U to showcase four novel technologies at CES 2017

December 22, 2016

Four innovative University of Utah technologies will be exhibited at CES 2017, the world’s largest and best-known technology trade show. The event runs from Jan. 5-8 in Las Vegas. It marks the U’s third consecutive year at the event—and largest representation yet. CES, which attracted more than 177,000 visitors and 3,800 exhibitors from around the […]

Biologists follow ‘fossilizable’ clues to pinpoint when mammal, bird and dinosaur ancestors became athletes

December 22, 2016

Many mammals and birds are remarkable athletes; mice work hard to dig burrows for protection and sparrows fight gravity with each flap of their wings. In order to have the energy to sustain vigorous exercise, the body’s tissues need a steady supply of oxygen, and red blood cells (RBCs) are the center of the oxygen […]

Eccles School research: Sales go up when product is seen as exotic

December 21, 2016

As Oscar contenders are set to hit the big screen this month, understanding how well films will fare with an international audience is increasingly important. With a global marketplace, it’s important for companies to understand how well their products will sell around the world and target their marketing to get the most value. A new […]

The U bids a fond farewell to Milton Bennion Hall

December 8, 2016

Since 1960, students studying to become educators at the University of Utah have been taking classes in Milton Bennion Hall. Today, alumni, students and faculty celebrate the legacy of Milton Bennion and bid a fond farewell to the building that helped shape the futures of thousands of general and special education teachers, counselors, administrators and […]

Let’s Play!

December 5, 2016

Virtual reality is all the rage in video gaming, and the University of Utah’s No. 1-ranked Entertainment Arts & Engineering (EAE) video game development program is exploring all the ways this hyper-realistic form of interactivity can be informative as well as fun. Five new VR games and educational apps along with more than 30 other […]

Leading the national conversation on transportation

December 5, 2016

The University of Utah is shaping the national conversation on transportation. As part of a multi university program, the Department of City & Metropolitan Planning in the College of Architecture + Planning has been awarded a five-year, $15 million grant from the U.S. Department of Transportation for research, education and outreach as a program partner […]