Awards, Grants & Appointments

U honors vets with week of events

The University of Utah will honor 11 Utah veterans at its 20th annual Veterans Day Commemoration Ceremony, Friday, Nov. 10, 2017, in the A. Ray Olpin Union Building ballroom. The annual tribute is part of a series of events throughout the week, including a panel discussion, a film screening, full dress military ceremony and a […]

Long-term grant helps U reading clinic reach 7,000 struggling readers

Over the past 15 years, the University of Utah Reading Clinic has received just over $3.5 million from the Improving Teacher Quality State Grants program to increase teachers’ knowledge of reading instruction and small group reading intervention. In particular, the UURC uses the funding to help educators become more effective and efficient at helping students […]

The Jon M. and Karen Huntsman Basketball Facility is LEED Gold Certified.

Basketball takes the LEED

The University of Utah announces its first Athletics building to be LEED Gold certified. The Jon M. and Karen Huntsman Basketball Facility, home to both men’s and women’s basketball, is officially a leader in sustainable design and energy efficiency. This is the eighth building on campus to be certified Gold or higher, and represents a […]

Making Sense of Doctor’s Notes

Wendy Chapman, the chair of biomedical informatics at University of Utah Health whose informatics tools have been applied toward addressing a wide array of problems in health care, has been elected to the National Academy of Medicine (NAM). The high honor comes on the heels of receiving a top accolade in her field, the Donald A.B. […]

The U honors novelist with Utah Award in the Environmental Humanities

The University of Utah’s Environmental Humanities graduate program will award Indian novelist Amitav Ghosh with the inaugural Utah Award in the Environmental Humanities. “We are thrilled to bring an environmental thinker of Amitav Ghosh’s status to campus,” said Jeff McCarthy, director of the Environmental Humanities program. “His writing imagines new tools for collaborative living in […]

Research team receives USTAR grant for new lithium battery technology

A research group led by professor Jan D. Miller of the University of Utah’s Department of Metallurgical Engineering has received a $191,700 grant to aid the development and commercialization of a solid polymer electrolyte/electrode technology for lithium batteries. The Utah Science Technology and Research Initiative awarded the University Technology Acceleration Grant to the Miller group. […]

Figure 1: A SLATE edge platform within a campus Science DMZ hosts trusted services operated by a central team which might be operating a network of such services across several campuses. Science “app” developers interact with the SLATE platform service factory to define and launch elements of a science gateway, data cache, or local workflow service.

New platform stitches together global science efforts

The National Science Foundation has awarded the collective universities of Utah, Chicago and Michigan a $4 million, four-year grant to produce SLATE, a new online platform for stitching together large amount of data from multiple institutions that reduces friction commonly found in multi-faceted collaborations. When complete, SLATE, which stands for Services Layer At The Edge, […]

U appoints first Mormon Studies professorship

The University of Utah’s College of Humanities has appointed Paul Reeve, professor of history, as the first Simmons Mormon Studies professor. “With the appointment of Paul, the U has moved into the front rank of schools engaged in the vibrant, intellectual exploration of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, its institutions, history and […]

University of Utah named among top 20 institutions in the world for innovation and technology transfer

The University of Utah ranked 19th in the world on the Nature Index, a list of top institutions that produce the high-quality research behind commercialized goods and services. Measuring the impact of basic research on innovation, the list was commissioned by Nature Research, publisher of the top-tier scientific journal Nature and other publications. The Nature […]

Kawamoto Named to National Committee to Improve Health Information Technology

Kensaku Kawamoto, M.D., Ph.D., associate Chief Medical Information Officer and assistant professor of Biomedical Informatics at the University of Utah Health, has been appointed to a 3-year term on the U.S. Health Information Technology (HIT) Advisory Committee, announced the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) in an August 3, 2017 press release. “I am excited to […]